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Prairie Watersheds Climate Program (PWCP)


The Prairie Watersheds Climate Program (PWCP) is funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's On-Farm Climate Action Fund, and is led by the Manitoba Association of Watersheds (MAW). 

Manitoba’s Watershed Districts and the Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds (SAW) are working with producers to increase the implementation of select Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) on farms in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

The following BMPs are eligible under the PWCP:

    Rotational Grazing
      • Fencing to support the rotational grazing plan
      • Watering Systems to support the rotational grazing plan
      • Improved pasture compositions by seeding legumes such as alfalfa or sainfoin 
      • Creation of a rotational grazing management plan
    Nitrogen Management
      • Use of Polymer Coated Urea (PCU) Fertilizer
      • Use of Combined Nitrification and Urease Inhibitors or use of dual inhibitors
      • Agronomic Support for Nitrogen Management Plans
      • Soil Testing
      • Soil Mapping
      • Adding Legumes to crop rotation
      • Upgrading seeder equipment to allow for banding, side dressing or injection of fertilizer
      • Split Application of Fertilizer to improve Nitrogen use
      • Upgrading manure injection and incorporation equipment
      • Offsetting higher cost of synthetic fertilizer substitutes (manure, compost, digestates)
    Cover Cropping
      • Fall and spring cover crops
      • Full-season annual and/or perennial cover crops
      • Planning and technical assessments


    To be eligible for funding under the PWCP program, your land must be located within the boundaries of the Northeast Red Watershed District.

    The activities for which you are applying must be completed between April 1, 2022 and June 30, 2025. 

    All activity invoices must be dated between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2025.

    How to apply

    Step 1: Download, complete and sign the General Information Declaration and Professional Assessment Form.

    Step 2: Download, complete and sign the appropriate BMP form(s) for your land. Forms are listed below.

    Step 3: Submit your General Information Declaration and PAF, your applicable BMP form(s), and any quotes or invoices for your activities to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or in person at our office.

    Step 4: If approved, the Northeast Red Watershed District will contact you to submit required supporting documents, such as photos of completion, and to sign a Landowner Agreement.